Monday, September 20, 2010

Golden Coast, Golden Gate

The house is asleep. It is early and still dark.

I gather my belongings for the day; keys, lunch, cell phone. I finish getting ready and dress Derby in his collar and leash. Tail sweeping back and forth, Derby is excited to start the day.

Out the door en route to work. We make our way through Golden Gate Park. A pleasant mile walk to meet with a coworker for carpool. The dawn is quiet.

The park wears the morning well. Dew gently covers its fields. Water droplets decorate its trees, tiny perfect beads glistening in the rising sunlight. The park is lush and green.

We walk past the conservatory of flowers, an elaborate Victorian greenhouse which resembles a bird cage. It looks like a fairy tale set in British India.

My ipod pipes out music and I manipulate the soundtrack to my life.

Walking by the morning Tai Chi group I catch a glance of their movement in unison. Their flux waves a calm in the air.

We meet with a colleague, Danna. Derby is excited at the site of her maroon Subaru station wagon. I open the door for him and he hops right in. Danna twists around and leans into the back seat to greet him. She rests her face against his and embraces him with love and lots of silly nick names. She is one of the most enthusiastic dog lovers I have ever met!

We approach the iconic and ever proud Golden Gate Bridge. It is sobering to see. The sight of the bridge still makes me tingle. The sunshine sparkles on the mighty Pacific water. The sprawling city behind us, Alcatraz Island, sailboats in the bay. Tourists snapping their photos capturing their memories as we drive past.

The weather in San Rafel is much warmer. I remove my scarf and jacket and underneath is my Florida wardrobe, with which I have recently reunited.

Derby makes a round greeting his fans at the office. I sit at my desk and put my headset on, power up my computer and turn on my dual flat screen monitors to begin the workday. Derby is at my feet curled up on his bed.

On the ride home we drive through the mountains and the curving tunnel. It feels like we are driving through a kaleidoscope. I squint to see her, the way a young child squints to see the gems at the end of the scope. She waits for us, the Golden Gate Bridge. This time decorated in fog, swirled around her like a cupcake's frosting. Surreal, and truly beautiful.