Friday, April 16, 2010

Morning Run

Each day is a new beginning and the freshness of the morning brings a smile to my face. Derby and I reached the corner of Taraval Street and the Great Highway and I initiated the jog. Derby gladly trotted along. Sun shinning, people out biking, running, walking their dogs, starting their day.

We crossed the street and headed down to the beach. The sand cushions my step and I love the sight of my shoeprint and Derby's paw print in the sand together. Stones in hues of brown, gray, and black, and sand dollars scattered on the seashore. Surfers with boards tucked under their arms enter the water like a battlefield. The steady lulling sound of waves rolling in. Birds dance back and forth with the water as it creeps up and pulls back.

Derby's instinct whispers in his ear "chase the birds!" and he takes off running full speed after a flock of Snowy Plovers. The birds scatter and regroup further away. We run together happy and free like children without a care in our worlds.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Training Ride

Of the many opportunities in San Francisco, physical fitness activities are abundant to say the least. On a recent walk home from the beach I saw a sign in a store front. It was for an upcoming bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise awareness for AIDS.

It is an annual ride, and this will be the 9th year of its existence. I immediately went online to find out more about this amazing event. I had a lot of questions and read through the website in its entirety. My eyes were twinkling as I read about the 7 day ride spanning 545 miles of the California Coastline. I envisioned myself as a biker on the road amongst a pack of many, peddling forward for a great cause.

I called the organization with a list of questions I had beyond the FAQ section of the website. I was encouraged to participate in a group training ride to help me make a decision. I was eager to participate, but hesitant of the pre-requisites. In order to participate each rider must raise $3,000 dollars, train intensely, take a week off work, I would have to find a trustworthy person to watch Derby, buy all of the bike gear, and I was not sure if the road bike that I have, circa 1970, is suitable for such a ride. The event takes place in June and I was not sure that I have enough time to train, fundraise, buy a new bike and all the gear.

I picked a training ride off the calendar of events and was eager to challenge myself and test out my road bike as it was the first long bike ride on it. I had the local bike shop give it a tune up and replace the brake pads.

Early Saturday morning before the sun peaked over the horizon my alarm buzzed and I rolled over to silence it. I was awake and excited for the group training ride. I arrived at the group meet up spot, signed a waiver, took a course map, listened carefully to the rules and explanation of hand signals and stretched with the group.

I rode with the group training leaders and they coached me and another new biker. They explained in detail how and when to change gears. It was the first time I used the gears, since riding in Florida doesn’t require much shifting!

The 45 mile ride was breathtakingly beautiful. We crossed the Golden Gate bridge, rode through Sausalito (a town that looks just like the Amalfi Coast of Italy), then the Camino Alto Hills which were very challenging and had my quadriceps burning in no time, through quaint towns that look like Swiss Villages, with names like Larkspur, Ross, Tiburon, and Fairfax. The rolling hills were physically and emotionally challenging.

Winding roads revealed California's raw beauty and intensified my love for this gorgeous state. It was a great way to experience and sightsee my backyard. Finishing this challenging ride was a very rewarding accomplishment for me. I met very inspiring people who are return participants in the annual event. The ride leaders were encouraging, motivating and very positive.

I was happy to meet more wonderful people involved in a great cause! I am elated with the endless opportunities of my life in California! Although I will not be participating in the AIDS life cycle ride this year, I would like to do so next year and or participate in the organization's ride through Napa Valley in October which is only 200 miles as opposed to the 545 miles to Los Angeles.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Puzzle Pieces of My Life

As time goes on I am settling in and establishing my life in San Francisco. Slowly I am building my niche. I am putting together the pieces to create a balance that brings me happiness.

Recently I reintroduced the fitness “piece of the puzzle” to my life. I completed my first 10k race last weekend. Early in the morning when everything was quiet and serene I got on my bike and peddled down the Great Highway (the road that runs parallel to the ocean). My fascination and love for the ocean is satisfied as I gazed onto the rolling waves. The epic and roaring Pacific Ocean is a constant visual stimulus.

I arrived at the starting point of the race and locked up my bike. I checked in, pinned on my race number and found a place to stretch before the race began. The course took the participants on a trail over looking the ocean, through heaps of wildflowers and up a winding path with stair cases, and signs indicating the coyotes. As the dirt path curved and the tree line became sparse, there in the distance stood the Golden Gate Bridge in all her glory, an assuring sign that I am not dreaming- I am in fact living in San Francisco.

I ran faster towards the bridge, my personal pot of gold at the end of my rainbow. The race was challenging as I am not accustomed to hills and inclines. It was a beautiful day, bright and sunny and the music piping through my headphones kept my pace steady. The feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction as people clap and cheer and a finish line is crossed were a wonderful high.